Raspberry Jelly Doughnuts from Eat, Live, Run
In the meantime, I do have photos of these doughnuts. And they are a whole lot prettier than any photo of me holding my book, let me tell you that. I don’t know about y’all, but I’d much rather see photos of doughnuts than of myself any day. These are perfect plump, golden doughnuts filled with sweet raspberry jam…just like your favorite Dunkin Donut flavor {but better—and I love me some Dunkin Donuts!}. They are for the days when you just need a doughnut and nothing else will do. Or the days when you feel like a doughnut. Although on days that you feel like an actual doughnut, you are probably better off eating a salad. On days that you feel like a lettuce leaf, eat a doughnut! That’s my bit of wisdom for the day…take it or leave it.
To read more and view this delicious recipe from Eat, Live, Run click on link: www.eatliverun.com