Creamy Potato & Corn Mash


3pound potatoes (Yukon Gold)
2cans corn (about 17 oz)
½cup hot milk
1red bell pepper, chopped
1large garlic clove, grated or finely chopped
1large onion, chopped
1can corn (drained) or frozen, thawed
1tbsp oil
butter (or cream cheese)
milk or heavy cream (about ¼ to ½ cup, depending on how thick you like your potatoes

*You can easily adjust the quantities to feed any number of people.

Boil the potatoes for about 25 to 30 minutes. Until very tender.
Drain, then put back into the pot and leave on low heat; this allows extra water to evaporate so you don’t get soupy and watery potatoes.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a skillet and cook the onions, bell pepper and garlic, over low heat until they’re soft and sweet. This will take about 15 minutes.
Add a 1-2 Tbsp. butter or cream cheese and about ⅔ of the corn. Start mashing. You don’t want to completely mash the corn; you just want to break it up a little so it blends in with the potatoes.
I like my mashed potatoes rather thick, so I added ½ a cup of hot milk or heavy cream. Feel free to add an additional splash of milk. Or cream. Or cream cheese.
Keep mashing until the potatoes are nice and creamy.
Add the rest of the corn and the onion/pepper mix and stir it in.
Season with a generous amount of black pepper and some salt—or Lawry’s seasoned salt. Put the corn mash back on the stove for a few moments to let the mash heat through.
Garnish with fresh chives and it’s ready to serve and enjoy.