Low Fat Cream of Potato Soup


If you love creamy potato soup you gotta give this recipe a try. Really good! Instead of heavy cream and a lot of fattening cheese I use light laughing cow wedges and low fat sour cream. Each wedge of laughing cow cheese is only 35 calories. You can find laughing cow in most grocery stores.  Costco has the best price for 3 boxes at about $7.  This soup freezes great as well!

Here is what you need to make this creamy potato soup recipe:
(Serves 6)
 4 large potatoes - You can peel this if you want, but I didn't because I love the skin for its flavor and nutrition.
4 cloves of garlic smashed and finely minced
2 onions finely chopped
1 box of 32 oz.  chicken broth
12 laughing cow wedges (Costco sells 3 boxes for about $7)
4 tablespoons of low fat or fat free cream
1 tbsp  of garlic powder  and onion powder

1 tbsp sugar (sugar helps to bind the flavors)
1 tbsp dried dill
1 tbsp Costco no salt seasoning
1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
1/2 tsp sea salt 
1 tsp paprika
Dash of extra virgin olive oil

4 pieces of apple smoked bacon, cooked until crispy and chopped (optional-the 4 pieces add some fat, but once it s divided among all the servings it is minimal)
Croutons for top
* You may want to adjust your seasonings after cooking and add more if you want to up the flavor. You can add mushrooms or smoked ham for new twist)
Chop your potatoes and onion and garlic.
Put some extra virgin olive oil (only need a about a teaspoon or so)in a pot and turn heat to medium and throw in your chopped potato, onion, and garlic.
Cook for about 10 minutes stirring often (about every 2-3minutes).
 Flavor with some sea salt and pepper and light dash of garlic powder and onion powder.
 Add your box of organic chicken broth and stir well. Allow this to cook on medium heat for about 45-60 minutes allowing your potatoes to get really soft.
 Once your potatoes are soft take your hand masher - or if you don't have that a large spoon and mash your potatoes lightly into the broth.

Next add your laughing cow cheese, and your sour cream and stir well allowing this to melt (should take about 5 minutes or so) you can turn your heat to medium low right now while you are stirring often with a whisk and waiting for the laughing cow to melt all the way.  Continue to whisk for another 5 minutes and stir in the crispy bacon pieces (optional). Cover and let simmer on low for another 15 minutes stirring often.
You will want to taste it to see if it needs anymore salt and pepper - if it does add accordingly to taste. Sprinkle with some cheese or garlic croutons and serve. Enjoy!