Pine State Biscuits...My Thoughts :-)

To begin...the service was great! There was a substantial line out the door when we got there, but considering it was 10:30 I was not surprised.  The line went really fast and we waited about 20 minutes from the time we got in line until we sat at our table.  They have a small indoor seating area and a great outdoor courtyard with picnic benches.  The restaurant is really clean and everything is freshly made (anyone who knows me learns very quickly that I am a stickler for cleanliness and fresh food!).  I was watching them make biscuits as we waited.  The looked so delicious coming out of the oven and the smell was something else.  I could hardly wait!!!

As we waited we also looked over the menu. I do not know about you, but they need to make a "special" menu for the Miranda's of this world with option "A" and option "B" because it all looks so incredibly good that I cannot decide on one thing.  Did I mention I was starving at the time?? we finally ordered our food and I got the meat, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwich.  It had a piece of buttermilk fried boneless chicken, cheese, and a fried egg.  I know, I know...death on a plate! I was unable to remove my teenaged daughter from her bed, so my faithful friend Stacey went with me and had a bacon and cheese biscuit sandwich and we both got an order of the hushpuppies with bacon, cheese, and chives. They we ok...needed some more substance to them to give them the "wow" flavor factor.  The bacon, cheese, and chives were minimal, which could have been part of the issue.

The pictures do not do the biscuit sandwiches justice...they were huge (of course that didn't stop me as I ate every! Ok, so we are just about to enjoy our breakfast yumminess when I spied my neighbor's breakfast and realized that I forgot to ask for gravy with could I forget? They make a homemade sausage gravy or a shiitake mushroom gravy. Though I do not have them very often, biscuits and gravy are my all time favorite comfort food.  I was horrified! What was I thinking??
Here is our neighborbors sandwich...just like mine except she had gravy on her as well.  We met some of the nicest people this morning on our jaunt to find a great new place to eat.  It is amazing how far a smile and a good morning will go!  We shared some of our hushpuppies with them and got to know them.  It was a great morning...a pleasant temperature to be sitting outside enjoying our biscuit deliciouness and making new friends.  The staff at Pine State Biscuits are extremely friendly, the food was out in about 10 minutes (a true feat considering that this place was PACKED to the rafters), the atmosphere is nice and inviting, and the food is terrific.  I even bought a half dozen biscuits to take home.  You can buy them to go by the half dozen and dozen.  I am going to make some gravy tomorrow morning and serve everyone my version of biscuits and gravy....Pine State Biscuits and my gravy recipe.  Life is too short, so enjoy every minute!
